Military Weight Loss Diet Plan
A plethora of diets has stormed the health scene all over the globe. Even though people are skeptical of such ‘fad diets,’ many others are bold enough to try any such thing that comes their way, just to drop those few extra pounds! 
Military diet has become a rage these days that has piqued the interest of many nutritionists and fitness enthusiasts. Even though the creators of this diet claim that this aggressive “military weight loss diet plan” was formulated by nutritionists serving in the military, this has not been affirmed by the authorities until now.
The military diet to lose weight quickly has been designed to help obese people shed up to 10 pounds of excessive body fat in less than a week! To know whether the diet’s developer’s claims are compelling or not, we dive into the nitty gritty of how this diet works!
Military Diet Principle
The military diet has set up a meal plan for three days of a week limiting the calorie intake under 1400 calories, while the rest of the four days do not impose any strict restrictions on calorie intake. The 3-day meal plan has been designed in the following manner:
Day 1:
Breakfast Plan:
• Half a grapefruit
• Toast with Peanut butter
• A single cup of tea/coffee
Lunch Plan:
• A single toast
• Half a cup of Tuna
• A single cup of tea/coffee
Dinner Plan:
• 3 0z serving of meat along with a cup of beans
• Small apple
• Half a Banana
• A cup of vanilla ice cream
Day 2:
Breakfast Plan:
• One Toasted slice
• One hard-boiled egg
• Half a Banana
• Cup of tea/coffee
Lunch Plan:
• One hard-boiled egg
• A cup of cottage cheese
• 5 Salt crackers
• A cup of Tea/coffee
Dinner Plan:
• Two hot dogs (without a bun)
• Half cup of carrots with a half cup of broccoli
• Half a banana
• Half a cup of Vanilla ice cream
Day 3:
Breakfast Plan:
• 1 oz slice of Cheddar cheese
• 5 Salted crackers
• 1 small apple
• A cup of Tea/Coffee
Lunch Plan:
• A toasted slice of bread
• One egg
• A cup of Tea/Coffee
Dinner Plan:
• One cup of Tuna
• Half a banana
• One cup of vanilla ice cream
Remaining 4 Days
The remaining four days of the week have no specific diet plan with restrictions. Instead, the military weight loss diet plan requires you to consume any food that keep the calorie intake within 1500 calories range.
The Military Diet Plan Theory
The basic theory behind the military diet plan is to ensure that practitioners of this diet can also munch on junk such as ice cream while keeping the calorie count well under 1400 calories. A particular pattern is seen in the first three days. The first day allows the person to consume 1400 calories, on the second day, this count is further reduced to 1200 calories, while on the third day further goes down to 1,100 calories.
Why Does Military Diet Work?
The average male consumes around 2,500 calories in a day to maintain a constant body mass index, while females consume around 2,000 calories in a single day. The three-day military diet plan limits one’s calorie intake to just 1,400-1,500 calories, thereby reducing our body’s energy supply. The body is then forced to retrieve this energy by burning up fat deposited in the adipose tissue under our skin. This leads to excessive fat oxidation in the body leading to visibly reduced appearance and weight.
The Final Verdict
The central principle of this fad diet is to eat every kind of food but in measured portion size. The military diet has been designed to keep our calorie levels low in the body so that as much as 10 pounds of excessive fat can be shed from the body and is bound to give positive end results. However, with such low energy levels, practitioners should be discouraged from taking part in strenuous physical activities. Otherwise, weakness might further complicate health problems.
Pro-tip: Regular workout sessions, along with balanced meals and limited portion sizes is what will ensure a complete weight loss in overweight people.