What is a Diabetic Coma?

A diabetic coma is just one of the many serious health conditions associated with diabetes. Diabetes is among one of the most leading disorders primarily found in developed countries. In 2013 it was estimated that approximately 382 million people have diabetes around the world. Most people have an impression that diabetes is not a big problem.

Look at all the people around you who have diabetes. They are alright. Just take the medicines. There is more to diabetes than you thought. In some cases, it can be life-threatening if not managed properly.

Types of Diabetes

There are two major types of diabetes:

Type 1 Diabetes:

Type 1 diabetes occurs mostly in young adults and children. 5% of the diabetic patient has type 1 diabetes. Type 1 Diabetes cannot be treated with medications; therefore, a regular dose of insulin is given to the patient.

Type 2 Diabetes:

Type 2 diabetes is the most common type that usually occurs in people aged above 40 years. This kind of diabetes does not require insulin injection. Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes and accounts for 90% of diabetic cases.

Diabetes complications should be treated. If diabetes complication are ignored it can be life threatening. Here are some of the common complications of diabetes that can be fatal.

Diabetic Coma

Diabetic coma is a life-threatening complication of diabetes. It results in unconsciousness from which a person cannot be awakened. It can be prevented by keeping a regular check of your glucose level

Causes of Diabetic Coma

Many reasons can cause a diabetic coma. However, the most common of them are following Hypoglycemia and ketoacidosis.

Hypoglycemia and Diabetic Coma

Hypoglycemia occurs when there is a severe deficiency of insulin in the body. This results in the decreased glucose in the blood. Our brain usually uses glucose to fulfill its energy demand. When there is no glucose to utilize the brain starts starving. As the result of this, the person loses consciousness and snaps.

Ketoacidosis and Diabetic Coma

Also referred to as diabetic acidosis, Ketoacidosis is when the body excess blood acids. Due to a diabetics low glucose level, the body starts using fat as a mean to generate energy. Ketone bodies are the end product of fat break down. This causes an excessive breakdown ketone bodies start accumulating in the blood. This causes Ketoacidosis which can lead to a diabetic coma.

Additional Complications Associated with DiabetesLearn about new drug-free treatment methods

Diabetic coma is severe. In addition to a coma, diabetes also has other fatal complications. These complications include:

• Skin damage
• Eye damage
• Foot damage
• Nerve problems
• Kidney problems
• Cardiovascular diseases
• Atherosclerosis

Diabetes Care

Diabetes can be life threatening condition if not treated. The good news is diabetes can is controllable. Following things you should keep in mind if you have diabetes;

• Keep a check at your blood glucose level
• Take your medications
• Cut of refined sugars
• Eat food that has low glycemic index
• take care of open wounds as they can cause severe infection


Diabetes is among one of the leading diseases in the developed countries. Most people underestimate it. Although diabetes is manageable, it can be life threatening if ignored. You need to keep a check on your blood glucose level.