What is Tinnitus?
What is tinnitus? Did you ever hear a loud ringing in your ear that you could never truly muffle, no matter how hard you tried? That ringing in ear never stops, no matter what you do, no matter how much you try, does it? Well, just in case you didn’t know already, this is referred to as tinnitus, and it is no joke. The full definition of tinnitus is actually pretty simple to understand. It basically goes like this: Tinnitus is the name of the sensation of hearing “phantom sounds” that come out of nowhere, and yet they ring loudly in your head, making you slowly go insane.
Outside of the obvious way to prevent it from happening, such as ointments or pills, do you want to know other ways, much cheaper ways, to prevent it from happening? Do you want to know the difference between a severe case of tinnitus and just hearing random sounds when there’s nothing there? Then keep on reading, because you might find this blog to be quite educational in that regard.
The Different Sounds You May be Hearing
Depending on the frequency of the sound, we can actually establish pretty easily whether it is a serious case or not. For example, a simple ringing is nothing special, it could happen to anyone, and most likely it did happen to everybody, at least once in our lives. A roaring on the other hand is a completely different story. A roaring can mean that your ears are seriously damaged, and that you need medical help immediately. Clicking is in the middle in this instance. It is annoying, and it can really hurt your ability to focus on anything, so you might want to consider visiting the doctor as soon as possible to be checked for tinnitus, just so that you don’t eventually end up with a roaring sound in your ear.
Loss of Balance Equals Danger
There is a difference between just hearing a ringing in your ear and actually losing your balance and feeling sick every time you hear the ringing. This is a very serious sign that you need to visit your doctor as soon as possible because that ringing is no longer a nuisance, it is a danger to your wellbeing. If you feel nausea every time you hear the ringing, then make sure that you stop driving vehicles and avoid any sort of stressful situations. If you get hit so hard that you actually fall on your knees, then ask for an MRI as soon as possible. The problem may have damaged a lot more than just your ears. You may be even looking at an infection if you’re not careful enough. Make sure that your ears are clean, before you go to bed if you want to prevent any sort of infection.
Stay Away from Loud Noises
This may sound like a no-brainer to most, but exposing your ears to loud noises can very easily cause your ears to start ringing. Make sure that you avoid this by wearing protective gear at all times. We understand that you cannot stay away from loud noises at all times, since a lot of people do work in very loud environments, which is why we ask you to at least take some sort of helmet or protective gear to make sure that the damage isn’t definitive. Wasting 100 dollars for some protective gear is much better than wasting thousands upon thousands on treatments and pills later on.
No More Smoking
Believe it or not, here’s another major side effect to smoking cigarettes. Make sure you stay away from them because they do a lot more bad than good. We know that it is hard to quit smoking, and we don’t want to force anyone to do anything against their will, but even so, think about your health here, for a second. Would you rather wake up every day and try your hardest to ignore the constant buzzing in your ear, or would you like to at least try to quit smoking? It’s your choice. Just make sure you don’t regret your decision later on.
In conclusion, if you don’t want to be forced to hear that constant buzzing in your ear, then make sure that you live a healthy lifestyle, stay away from cigarettes, loud noises and make sure that you clean your ears regularly. Whatever you do, think about what the consequences to your actions are and make sure you’re always on the safe side.